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Elements4Life and E4L Team Training and its subsidiaries are committed to ultra hygienic, safe and healthy workplaces.
As part of this commitment we have implemented a better hygiene operating procedure to best ensure that all members, clients and employees are continually in a safe and hygienic environment.
A focus on improved health, basic human rights, communication and consent.
We are ambassadors for pro-health, pro-choice, pro-informed consent and pro-medical freedom and we respect the basic human rights of every member, man and woman.
Do no harm, cause no loss and accept no injury from anybody.
“Fix your environment, cleanse your terrain, improve nutrition quality and apply good habits for greater health. If you are sick, feeling sick and/or have flu type symptoms please stay at home and self isolate until symptoms are no longer present and you are feeling better.”
A strong human immune system is developed and maintained via the environment you are in the most often.
As people we must be mindful and emphasise the importance of emotional, nutritional and physical health.
Seek SPECIALIST medical advice when necessary and always show due diligence and do your own deep and intensive research before embarking or engaging in any medical procedure or physical activity.
Know your rights as an individual regardless of public opinion, social opinion, perspective or government controls.
We are 100% compliant.
With the addition of UV and OZONE treatment systems E4L is a market leader in sanitisation and better hygiene practices.
Cleaning means to physically remove germs (bacteria and viruses), dirt and grime from surfaces using a detergent and water solution. A detergent is a surfactant that is designed to break up oil and grease with the use of water. Anything labelled as a detergent will work.
Disinfecting means using chemicals to kill germs (bacteria and viruses) on surfaces. It’s important to clean before disinfecting because dirt and grime can reduce the ability of disinfectants to kill germs. Disinfectants containing ≥ 70% alcohol, quaternary ammonium compounds, chlorine bleach or oxygen bleach are suitable for use on hard surfaces (that is, surfaces where any spilt liquid pools, and does not soak in). These will be labelled as ‘disinfectant’ on the packaging. Where there is uncertainty, the manufacturers or importing suppliers of the substance should be contacted for advice.
Health authorities recommend using a 1000 ppm bleach (sodium hypochlorite) solution to disinfect hard surfaces.
For routine workplace cleaning in a non-healthcare workplace, physical cleaning with water and detergent is sufficient. Water and physical effort alone will not kill any virus.
A combination of cleaning and disinfection will be most effective in removing a virus in workplaces when cleaning after a person with a confirmed or suspected case of a virus has recently been at the workplace.
Note: Disinfectants require sufficient contact time to be effective.
Where cleaning on or around electrical equipment/fittings, isolate electrical equipment and turn off power source if possible before cleaning with liquids.
Read the label for the detergent or disinfectant and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
Obtain a copy of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for the detergent or disinfectant and become familiar with the contents.
Wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) that is identified on the label and the SDS.
The following table outlines the recommended minimum frequencies for routine cleaning of various surfaces in the workplace, as well as recommended cleaning and disinfecting following a suspected or confirmed case of a virus.
It is applicable to all workplaces, noting some surfaces may not be relevant to all workplaces.
It is highly recommended that workplaces are be cleaned at least daily. More frequent cleaning may be required in some circumstances. For example, if equipment is shared between workers, it should be cleaned between uses, where practicable.
More frequent disinfection may be required at workplaces with a high volume of workers, customers or visitors that are likely to touch surfaces.
The following table outlines the recommended minimum frequencies for routine cleaning of various items in the workplace, as well as recommended cleaning and disinfecting following a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
It is applicable to all workplaces, noting some items may not be relevant to all workplaces.
It is highly recommended that workplaces are be cleaned at least daily. More frequent cleaning may be required in some circumstances. For example, if equipment is shared between workers, it should be cleaned between uses, where practicable.
More frequent disinfection may also be required at workplaces with a high volume of customers or visitors that are likely to touch surfaces.
This checklist is our guide for better hygiene measures in our facilities and workplace.
30 March 2020
The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) on the advice of the Communicable Diseases Network Australia (CDNA) today considered provisions for essential workers who are considered to be most at risk of acquiring COVID-19 and at higher risk of serious illness if they become unwell.
Excluding healthcare settings where appropriate PPE and precautions are adhered to, the AHPPC considers that, given the transmission characteristics of the virus, the following settings are at higher risk of outbreaks of COVID-19:
AHPPC considers that, based on the limited current evidence, the following people are, or are likely to be, at higher risk of serious illness if they are infected with the virus: 1, 2, 3, 4
There is limited evidence at this time regarding the risk in pregnant women.
AHPPC recommends that where vulnerable workers undertake essential work, a risk assessment must be undertaken. Risk needs to be assessed and mitigated with consideration of the characteristics of the worker, the workplace and the work. This includes ensuring vulnerable people are redeployed to non-customer based roles where possible. Where risk cannot be appropriately mitigated, employers and employees should consider alternate arrangements to accommodate a workplace absence.
AHPPC recommends that special provisions apply to essential workers who are at higher risk of serious illness and, where the risk cannot be sufficiently mitigated, should not work in high risk setting.
Recent evidence suggests the risk previously attributed to those over 60 is particularly in those over 65 and accordingly advice has been updated to recommend an age cut off of 65 with chronic disease.
E4L has over 12 amazing digital assets to support, motivate and encourage you to make smart choices and improvements in various areas of your fitness, nutrition and health.
Division of 432 Lifestyles Pty Ltd 2020
8HourWindow.pdf, 8WeeksTo5K(E4L Asset).pdf, ABC.pdf, BetterWater.pdf, FitnessIn30Days.pdf, GrowthMindset.pdf, HalfMarathon.pdf, HomemadeOnly.pdf, LeanMass.pdf,SuperHero.pdf, TwoandOne.pdf and WalktoRun.pdf
1. Privacy Policy Detail
This is the privacy policy for Elements4Life (E4L) ABN 68 1195 2794 7, all its related companies and E4L Franchised Clubs (collectively, Elements4Life) relating to the privacy of your personal information
(Privacy Policy).
E4L is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives. E4L is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act).
This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with E4Lwhether at one of E4L’s clubs, E4L head office or via E4L website (
This Privacy Policy seeks to explain:
The types of personal information E4L collects & holds;
How E4L collects and holds your personal information;
Why E4L collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information;
How you may access and seek the correction of your personal information as held by E4L;
How you may complain about a breach of the APPs or a registered APP code (if any) that E4L are bound by, and how E4Lwill deal with such a complaint; and
If E4L is likely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients and the countries in which such recipients are likely to be located (if it is practicable to specify those countries in this policy).
By using E4L website or completing any membership application forms, personal trainer forms, competition entry forms and filling any forms in the franchisee recruitment process, you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to E4L’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.
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