
Revolutionising Fitness & Wellness



“What we are super passionate about is creating a high quality fitness and lifestyle brand that our community can genuinely connect with” 

– Founder Coach Sebastian 


Welcome to Elements4Life

Unleashing The Power of Transformation!


About Elements4Life

At Elements4Life, we are more than just a gym; we are a revolution in the fitness industry. With over a decade of experience, our commitment to excellence has driven us to become one of the leading functional training gym networks. 
Our vision is simple yet profound: to be one of the best brands and systems in the world, changing lives and transforming the way people approach their health and wellness journey.
Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We believe in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and this is reflected in our approach. We harness the power of cutting-edge technology and proven scientific methodologies to create a fitness experience that’s as unique as you are. Our innovative solutions empower you to be the best version of yourself.
Elements4Life is not limited to a physical space. We have evolved to meet the diverse needs of our global community. We offer a holistic ecosystem that spans physical gyms, online training platforms, phone applications, and lifestyle content platforms. Whether you prefer sweating it out in a state-of-the-art gym, engaging in immersive online training sessions, or accessing personalised workout plans on your smartphone, we’ve got you covered. Your journey to a healthier, happier you is no longer confined to four walls.
Our commitment to understanding human behaviour sets us apart. We believe that true transformation goes beyond just physical fitness; it’s about a shift in lifestyle and mindset. Our community-driven approach fosters a sense of belonging and support that is integral to your success. We’re more than a gym; we’re your fitness family, here to encourage, inspire, and motivate you on your journey.


We are 100% focused on delivering an evolving, technologically smarter and overall better functionally programmed training experience in our fitness industry niche.

Effective programming, a genuine support network and mindful mature coaches who care about your health, fitness and results.

Smarter by definition.

Better in execution.



To deliver and provide the #1 Functional Training Systems in the world using proven advanced methods, scientific principles, evolving industry standards, expert coaching techniques and exclusive E4L smart technology, platforms and applications.

Our training systems and specialised services are designed to optimise your training experience and results. 


Improved levels of fitness, genuine health and biological longevity (living longer) are standards we should all aspire for.

Lets get real! 

Health and fitness is only ever achieved when you make better decisions and choices in your life, at a deep internal level first. The result arrives with a renewed mental “attitude with action” of consistency, discipline and self love. 

Movement, nutrition and mindset.

Stop punishing yourself in the gym for an external result. Start training smarter for better outcomes. The body will adjust to better behaviours, habits and routines and most importantly it will adjust to your overall mental and emotional state.

Elements4Life has a holistic outlook to fitness, health and lifestyle and is motivating people to embrace a more connected life away from the toxic, monetised, western influences of the modern industrialised world, which cause everyone ongoing physical, mental and emotional disruption.

This means reconnecting to what it means to be human at the core and reconnecting to natures way. This also means making a really good effort towards the COMPLETE removal of all toxins, cumulative heavy metal poisoning, hormone disrupters, problematic vitamin and mineral deficiencies, causes of inflammation, chemicals, food additives, GMO, processed foods, excessive behaviours, opioid dependancies and exposure to pollution in all its forms including unhealthy EMF, poisoned water and radiation exposure.

Your body will thank you and positive results will be rapid.

A toxin FREE lifestyle is the BEST lifestyle choice! 

This is a goal worth striving for where simply seeking better is a move in the right direction.

Once we acknowledge that these environmental factors are the major catalysts to sickness, mental health issues, weight problems, inflammation and depression, we have already made a major step towards positive change and a deeper understanding of health.

Together, let’s make the current societal dependancies on the above a thing of the past. Lets’s remove the pressure on the hospital system, reduce unnecessary visits to the doctor and lets reduce pharmaceutical drug dependancy and self-abusive behaviours.

Create a NEW world where a higher % of people are truly healthy at a cellular level because they took control of their biological environment, their fitness and health, improved their habits and removed the disruptions.

A happier, stronger community, physically and mentally, based on research, education, passion and confidence. 

A team effort!

Creating a NEW well informed and educated society with an optimised understanding on cellular health, DNA tuning, mitochondrial health, importance of water quality, a connection to harmonious frequencies, sound and light, sustainable lifestyles, self-sufficiency attitudes, environmental respect and a complete harmonious biological environment at a cellular level.



Physical Gyms, Coaching, Digital Online Services, Exclusive Technology & Smart Experiences.



If you align to the above message, want to train effectively, be part of an educated health orientated community and have a strong desire to work towards a new world of health starting with YOUR OWN, you are in the right place. We look forward to meeting you.


Elements4Life (E4L) is leading the way in trademarked modular functional training systems and multi-experience services.
We call these Smart™ Experiences.
Each unique E4L Smart™ training experience is built on scientific principles catering for multiple training styles, personal space compliancy and personal preferences.
Multiple training experiences for a stronger and engaged community.

All experiences have a participation cap policy to meet strict personal space compliancy for the best training experience.

Elements4life (E4L) are market leaders in fitness experiences, compliancy, hygiene, innovation, evolution and facilitation.

E4L has a Class Participation Cap of MAX 20 people to ensure better member experiences and maintain high coaching standards.

You will never see 30, 40 or 50+ people in a session meaning we reduce the chaos and increase the focus on YOU.


June 2010 - Harrison

The Elements4Life (E4L) functional training concept was created in 2010, by Founder/CEO, Sebastian Ellis (experienced athlete and passionate business operator), making Elements4Life and SmartTeam™ Training one of the most matured functional team training systems in Australia with more than 10+ years of hands on development, testing and evolution.

Harrison in Canberra is the flag ship site and is the foundation facility. 

Offers SmartTeam™, FocusPT™, SmartStudio™ and SmartRun™ experiences. You can also join for Just Gym access too.

January 2019 - Lombok432

Lombok432 is a sidearm project to the Elements4Life long term goal and will be an overseas facility providing opportunities for all members to embark on a series of fitness adventures.

Construction due to be completed in 2024/25

 Website Coming Soon- www.lombok432.com

March 2020 - Belconnen

Elements4Life as worked hard on its deliverable services and has evolved and grown into a reputable functional training brand.

Now offering the best in Functional Training, Pilates, Barre and Yoga in Belconnen supported with high level personal training, semi private sessions and working with clients of any fitness level.

E4L is committed to building strong communities, adopting new advanced methodologies and has now created a series of new age Smart™ Training experiences.

Belconnen is the second facility which is offering a SmartTeam™ and  SmartStudio™ experiences. 

Also offering FocusPT™ for a one on one journey with a coach.

April 2022 - E4L ONLINE - NOW LIVE
Best Online Video Platform Fitness Lifestyle Training Workouts | Elements4Life

An international platform for people from anywhere in the world to experience and benefit from the exclusive Elements4Life content, culture and philosophy. 

A truly connected, smarter, message for lifestyle, heath and fitness. 


#Train4Life anywhere, anytime.

May 2023 - Murrumbateman

Murrumbateman is the third facility which is offering a SmartGym™,  SmartTeam™ and  FocusPT™ experience. 

E4L is committed to building strong communities, adopting new advanced methodologies and has now created a series of new age Smart™ Training experiences.

Memberships will be limited to the first 300 only. 


Facility #4 - Coming Soon

Territory Identified

Facility #5 - Coming Soon

Territory Identified



Our E4L coaching team are highly regarded Master Functional Trainers (MFT) and have obtained certification, in our specialities, at a high level. Our dynamic team is continually engaging in further training to enhance our skill set which now includes becoming Master Restoration Coaches (MRC). 

We are at your service.



Sebastian specialises in lifestyle adjustment, non-toxin living protocols, strength and full body composition transformations.

Master Functional Coach (MFT). SmartTraining and FocusPT Coach.

Mentor and team leader. 



Erin specialises in body composition, fat loss and healthy living.

Mentor and team leader.



Joseph specialises in resistance training, mobility, rehabilitation and recovery.

Master Functional Coach (MFT). SmartTraining and FocusPT Coach.

Senior team leader.



Nutrition, Smart Training and Personal Training. As a coach, I strive to make physical activity engaging and enjoyable, while also helping individuals reach their goals.

Coach Kira Best Gym Canberra Functional Fitness Training | Elements4Life



Kira is calm in nature and assertive in practice, Master Functional Coach (MFT). SmartTraining and FocusPT Coach.

Coach Jaya Best Gym Canberra Functional Fitness Training | Elements4Life



Jaya has a great understanding of sports performance based training and strength progression. SmartTraining and FocusPT Coach.



Lauren has an athlete and representative team coaching background, specialises in transformation and is a qualified FocusPT™.






“We want to ensure people are put into the best environment possible to genuinely put on lean muscle mass, lose unnecessary body fat and most importantly feel that they belong, build confidence and move injury free”
– Sebastian Ellis
CEO & Co-Founder E4L Team Training


Company Privacy Statement 

Individually, as a brand and as a company, we would never request or demand another human, member or staff member, to provide or present to us private medical information or personal private information. In respect to the integrity of personal privacy, The Privacy Act 1988, Discrimination Act 1991, Bio-Security Act 2015, Common Law and Common Courtesy, this company privacy directive and company privacy mandate will always be in force. 

Our focus as a leader in the space is to encourage a holistic approach to health and fitness with an inclusive and tolerant community. Toxicology and toxicity, cellular health protocols and education, effective fitness regimes and better lifestyle choices are at the core of our philosophy and we look forward to becoming an expanding influence in this area in our community

Can You Answer These Health Questions?

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1. Privacy Policy Detail

This is the privacy policy for Elements4Life (E4L) ABN 68 1195 2794 7, all its related companies and E4L Franchised Clubs (collectively, Elements4Life) relating to the privacy of your personal information 

(Privacy Policy).

E4L is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives.  E4L is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act).

This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with E4Lwhether at one of E4L’s clubs, E4L head office or via E4L website (www.elements4life.com.au).

This Privacy Policy seeks to explain:

The types of personal information E4L collects & holds;

How E4L collects and holds your personal information;

Why E4L collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information;

How you may access and seek the correction of your personal information as held by E4L;

How you may complain about a breach of the APPs or a registered APP code (if any) that E4L are bound by, and how E4Lwill deal with such a complaint; and

If E4L is likely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients and the countries in which such recipients are likely to be located (if it is practicable to specify those countries in this policy).

By using E4L website www.elements4life.com.au or completing any membership application forms, personal trainer forms, competition entry forms and filling any forms in the franchisee recruitment process, you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to E4L’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Your Personal Information