
E4L Smart™ Experiences:

Functional Training & Strength Classes


E4L is all about the experience of the member. 

Atmosphere, approachability, inclusion, meaning, purpose and individualisation. 

Effective programming, better routines and personalisation.

Our Smart™ Experiences not only bring better results and camaraderie they also bring greater enjoyment. 

The experience of the user is #1.

E4L Smart™ Experiences utilise customised advanced technology, specially designed coaching delivery systems and personalised applications.

The 4 Elements of Training


Anaerobic and aerobic sessions mixed thoughtfully with functional resistance training. Sessions that will improve your athletic performance, build strength, burn fat and raise your fitness level for longer and more sustainable endurance.


Bring out your best with well structured strength sessions and training cycles. Learn better technique and be challenged for progression with mindful practice and scientifically proven methods for improvement in strength and muscle development.


Learn how to enhance and support the mobility and functionality of your body. Stress on the body whether mental or physical can take its toll. The body needs to rest, recover and regain its natural flexibility and mobility. Identify different muscle lines and establish methods to release, recover and relax.


The core consists of the abdominal muscle groups - transverse abdomens, internal obliques, external obliques, rectus abdomens, hip abductors/adductors, hip flexors, the pelvic floor and lumbar spine. The spine is responsible for posture and stability. As a team we work on all these core elements to build greater strength and stability.


We have an E4L Smart™ Experience for everyone.

45 Minute Sessions - Coached

Smarter functional training experiences using the E4L SmartWorkout™ training system for the best in delivery.

Team training 4.0 from the future is here. No one does functional training the way we do it.

Fitness Goals & Better Health in Canberra!

Live, replay and on demand options are also available.

50 Minute Sessions - Coached

The ultimate studio experience.

Both physical and digital with high level coaches covering all your favourite experiences from Yoga, Pilates, Barre, flexibility, regeneration, meditation and more.

Yoga, Pilates and Barre Classes in Canberra!

Live, replay and on demand options are also available.

45 Minute Sessions - Coached

Run your way to greater fitness with specially designed sessions utilising the best E4L training methods and coaching.
A highly effective functional running experience that builds endurance, cardiovascular performance and strength.

Functional Running in Canberra!

Live, replay and on demand options are also available

45 Minute Sessions - Coached

Individualised and personalised coaching experience bringing traditional methodology, customisation, experience and technology together.

Personal Training in Canberra!

You will always achieve more with a FocusPT™ coach.

Master functional trainers are at your service.


We are an evolving and agile brand based on values and principles with a focus on making a positive impact to everyone in our community.

Choose Your Trial Class


1. Privacy Policy Detail

This is the privacy policy for Elements4Life (E4L) ABN 68 1195 2794 7, all its related companies and E4L Franchised Clubs (collectively, Elements4Life) relating to the privacy of your personal information 

(Privacy Policy).

E4L is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives.  E4L is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act).

This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with E4Lwhether at one of E4L’s clubs, E4L head office or via E4L website (www.elements4life.com.au).

This Privacy Policy seeks to explain:

The types of personal information E4L collects & holds;

How E4L collects and holds your personal information;

Why E4L collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information;

How you may access and seek the correction of your personal information as held by E4L;

How you may complain about a breach of the APPs or a registered APP code (if any) that E4L are bound by, and how E4Lwill deal with such a complaint; and

If E4L is likely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients and the countries in which such recipients are likely to be located (if it is practicable to specify those countries in this policy).

By using E4L website www.elements4life.com.au or completing any membership application forms, personal trainer forms, competition entry forms and filling any forms in the franchisee recruitment process, you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to E4L’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Your Personal Information