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Primal Movement: A More Functional Way

The 7 Primal Movement Patterns & Why They Matter!

Why Functional Training Systems founded on the principles of the 7 primal movement patterns will be the leading training solution and number one training model in the fitness industry in the future. Elements4Life is a market leader in this field of functional training. It provides clients with personalised programs based on a deep understanding of human movement. Now, you might wonder what makes this training approach so special and why it’s poised to dominate the fitness world.

Unlike traditional gym routines that often isolate muscle groups, functional training based on the 7 primal movement patterns prepares your body for everyday life. Instead of just lifting weights, you’re training your muscles to work together in a way that mimics real-life situations like picking up groceries, playing with your kids, or climbing stairs.

Table Of Contents:

Understanding the 7 Primal Movement Patterns

These primal movement patterns are the foundation of human movement. We’ve all done these motions countless times. By training these movements, you’re essentially improving your body’s ability to perform everyday tasks. This approach emphasises compound movements, engaging multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

Here’s a breakdown of the 7 primal movement patterns:

Movement Pattern Description Examples
Squat Lowering your body by bending at the hips and knees while keeping your back straight. Picking up objects from the floor, sitting in a chair.
Hinge Bending at the hips while keeping your back straight, similar to a deadlift motion. Lifting heavy objects from the ground, maintaining good posture.
Lunge Stepping forward with one leg and lowering your body until your front knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. Walking, climbing stairs, getting up from a chair.
Push Pushing an object away from your body. Pushing open a door, putting something away on a shelf.
Pull Pulling an object towards your body. Opening a door, picking up a bag.
Twist Rotating your torso from side to side. Looking behind you, reaching across your body.
Gait The natural movement of walking or running. Walking, running, sprinting.

Why Functional Training Will Lead the Fitness Industry

There’s a growing understanding that fitness should translate to real-life situations. And that’s precisely where functional training shines. Chris Kolba, Ph.D., C.S.C.S., physical therapist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, notes that prolonged sitting can lead to tightened hip flexors and less effective glute muscles.

This imbalance can impact our ability to perform even simple movements with ease. By incorporating exercises like squats and lunges—which target those very muscle groups—functional training directly combats this sedentary lifestyle effect. This shift towards functional fitness is fueled by several factors:

Increased Awareness of the Importance of Functional Fitness

This kind of training focuses on building strength and stability to perform everyday activities with ease and reduce the risk of injury. As people lead increasingly sedentary lives, the ability to move freely and without pain is becoming more valuable. Think about it: if you can’t comfortably bend over to pick up your child or effortlessly navigate stairs, how fulfilling can your life truly be?

A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being

Unlike isolated workouts common in traditional gyms, functional training engages your entire body, incorporating movement workouts that mimic daily activities. The result is a more comprehensive workout that enhances coordination, balance, flexibility, and strength, creating a physique that’s as agile as it is robust. It acknowledges the interconnectedness of different muscle groups, improving overall body awareness.

Adaptability and Personalisation

And, let’s be real, who enjoys feeling trapped in a one-size-fits-all exercise regime? The beauty of functional training lies in its versatility. The exercises can be tailored to any fitness level or specific goal, allowing individuals to gradually increase intensity and challenge. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a beginner, functional training has something for you.

Elements4Life: Leading the Charge

Located in the heart of Canberra, Elements4Life has a solid decade of practical experience. We are proud to be a market leader in providing personalised, effective, and accessible functional training programs for everyone. Elements4Life incorporates the 7 primal movement patterns into engaging training sessions because they form the foundation for a holistic approach to fitness. Our community atmosphere fosters growth, making Elements4Life not just a gym, but a hub of movement and wellbeing.

FAQs about Functional Training

Why is functional movement training important?

It improves your ability to perform everyday tasks, reduces the risk of injury, and enhances your overall fitness by mimicking real-life movements. It shifts the focus from isolated muscle training to integrated movements that better reflect how we move in daily life.

This helps improve coordination, balance, and body awareness, contributing to more efficient and pain-free movement in daily tasks.

Why are primal movements important?

They represent the foundational movement patterns that are essential for human movement throughout life. They form the building blocks for more complex movements. Mastering these patterns is crucial for efficient, pain-free movement and overall physical well-being.

What are the seven primal movement patterns?

The seven primal movement patterns are squat, hinge, lunge, push, pull, twist, and gait.

Why is functional movement training important for the well being of a person? How does it affect your daily life?

Functional movement training is essential for overall well-being. It makes everyday activities easier and safer. From picking up your kids to simply walking with better posture, functional movement is woven into the fabric of our lives.


It’s becoming more and more evident that simply focusing on aesthetic muscle-building isn’t enough for genuine, sustainable well-being. Functional training provides a refreshing alternative, shifting the emphasis to building a body that moves as well as it looks. It prioritises movement quality and functionality, empowering individuals to live, work, and play without limitations.

That’s why Functional Training Systems, founded on the principles of the 7 primal movement patterns, will be the leading training solution and number one training model in the fitness industry in the future. Elements4Life, a leading functional & HIIT gym in Canberra, is at the forefront of this movement, emphasising these patterns in its program design. At Elements4Life, clients enjoy the principles taught at FTI GLOBAL that empower the E4L Coaching team to execute assessments, personalised programs, and unlimited semi-private training sessions in their conveniently located facilities. It’s an investment in yourself, preparing you for a life of confident and boundless movement.


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