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Unlocking the Truth About Alkaline Water Filters

There’s a quiet revolution brewing in the world of hydration: Alkaline Water Filters. More and more people are recognising that not all water is created equal. This has sparked a growing interest in alkaline water filters. Many find themselves seeking water that’s not only free from harmful contaminants but is also rich in health-enhancing properties. This quest often leads them down the path of alkaline water filters, a specialized type of water filtration system.

This exploration reveals that alkaline water filters are designed to elevate water beyond mere purity. They imbue it with distinct attributes like higher pH levels and potential health benefits. Let’s dive into the benefits of alkaline water and explore how these filters work.

Table of Contents:


Alkaline Water Filter

Understanding Alkaline Water

Before exploring the world of alkaline water filters, it’s important to grasp what makes alkaline water distinct. The term “alkaline” refers to the pH level of a substance, which is measured on a scale of 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral.

Anything below 7 is acidic, while anything above 7 is considered alkaline. Alkaline water filters are specifically engineered to raise the pH level of water. They often achieve this by adding alkaline minerals like calcium and magnesium.

This process produces water with a pH of 8 or higher. Water bottles sometimes contain alkaline water, but a filter is a more sustainable choice.

The Proposed Health Benefits of Alkaline Water

Proponents of alkaline water claim it offers several potential health benefits. However, these claims are frequently debated within the scientific community. Some argue alkaline water can help neutralize excess acid in the body, contributing to better overall health.

Some link alkaline water consumption to improved hydration and bone health, while others point to its potential in combating acid reflux. While the scientific evidence supporting these claims is still evolving, some studies have indicated potential positive effects.

For instance, one study found that drinking hydrogen-rich water could benefit individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. Another study revealed that hydrogen-rich alkaline water increased the pH of the blood before and after intense exercise. While these studies suggest a potential link, it is important to approach these claims with caution. You should rely on well-conducted, robust research for a more complete understanding.

Deciphering Alkaline Water Filters

The term alkaline water filters actually encompasses several types of water filtration systems. Each system functions slightly differently:

1. Ionisers

These electronically powered devices use electrolysis to alter the water’s pH. They do this by separating alkaline and acidic ions. Water ionisers offer control over the desired pH level and often feature adjustable settings.

2. Filters with Added Minerals

These systems, such as the UltraStream alkaline water filter, incorporate alkaline mineral cartridges. These cartridges add calcium, magnesium, or other alkaline minerals into the filtered water. This approach is simpler and more affordable than using ionisers.

3. Pitcher Filters with Alkaline Cartridges

This convenient option employs specialised cartridges within a pitcher. Similar to other filters with added minerals, this method enhances the pH by releasing alkaline minerals into the water. These filters offer portability and convenience but typically have a limited filtering capacity.

Evaluating Effectiveness

Alkaline water filters effectively increase the pH of your drinking water. However, the scientific community still lacks conclusive evidence to solidify or debunk the numerous health claims surrounding alkaline water. Research exploring the benefits is ongoing, so it is advisable to remain informed about developments in this field.

Regardless, it’s crucial to remember that alkaline water filters don’t eliminate all contaminants. They primarily focus on pH alteration and the addition of minerals. For a more comprehensive approach to purification, incorporating other filtration methods, such as carbon filters, may be beneficial.

These filters can improve the taste of your water, although taste is subjective. For truly great tasting water, consider pairing your alkaline water filter with another filtration method.

Choosing the Right Alkaline Water Filter

Finding the right alkaline water filter depends on individual needs and preferences. Consider the following aspects to help narrow your options:

1. Cost

Cost is a significant factor, as the prices for these systems vary greatly. Pitcher filters are generally the least expensive, followed by filters with added mineral cartridges. Ionisers tend to be the priciest due to their electronic components and features.

2. Type of Filtration

Think about the specific contaminants present in your local water supply. You’ll want to select a filter capable of addressing them effectively. A good alkaline water filter shouldn’t just alter pH; it should also offer purification from chlorine, fluoride removal, and other impurities.

3. Convenience

Think about your lifestyle and choose a filter that fits into your routine. Pitcher filters are best for portability, while undersink filters seamlessly integrate into your existing plumbing, delivering alkaline water directly from the tap.

On-counter or countertop filters like the UltraStream provide continuous access to alkaline water while offering flexibility in placement. If you have tank water, you’ll want to ensure you choose a filter compatible with this setup.

4. Additional Features

Some filters offer added features like remineralisation cartridges to restore beneficial minerals, hydrogen infusion to enhance the antioxidant alkaline potential of the water, or self-cleaning functions to extend filter life. Replacement cartridges are necessary for all kinds of filters, so factor in their cost and availability.

Maintenance and Considerations

Remember that owning an alkaline water filter also means taking responsibility for its upkeep. Regularly replacing cartridges is vital to maintaining the efficiency and efficacy of your filter. This aspect directly affects the water quality and longevity of the appliance. Always refer to the manufacturer’s recommendations on frequency.

Regularly clean and sanitize your alkaline water filter to prevent bacterial buildup and maintain hygiene. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions when cleaning your filter. Ignoring these practices may compromise the water’s purity.

Before using any water filtration system, get a basic understanding of the quality of your tap water. You can do this through a local water report or test. This helps ensure that the alkaline water filter chosen appropriately addresses the specific concerns and conditions of your water supply.

Keep in mind that extreme water conditions or very hard water may necessitate specialized filtration systems or pre-treatment steps for optimal performance. Shower filters can also benefit from alkaline water filtration, providing cleaner, more pH-balanced water for your skin and hair.

Be aware that significantly altering water chemistry can impact its interaction with certain materials. Always use containers that are compatible with alkaline water to avoid leaching or contamination. Choosing materials such as glass, stainless steel, or high-quality, BPA-free plastics generally proves safest.

Be cautious with the use of alkaline water for cooking. Its elevated pH can influence the outcome of certain recipes, potentially impacting flavour, texture, and even nutrient absorption.


Alkaline Water Filter


Investing in an alkaline water filter allows you to actively shape the nature of the water you consume. By elevating the pH and enriching the water with minerals, these filters provide an alternative approach to hydration that many find beneficial. Even though the potential health advantages of alkaline water remain under scientific investigation, the value of clean and contaminant-free water is undeniable.

Choosing an alkaline water filter involves more than simply buying the first one you see online. Each type comes with its own characteristics. Whether it’s a convenient pitcher, an integrated undersink system, or a sophisticated ioniser, the best alkaline water filter for you depends on your needs, lifestyle, budget, and overall objectives.

Don’t stop your journey here. Embrace continuous learning. Dive into the fascinating world of water filtration technologies, like reverse osmosis water filters, and explore even more. By keeping yourself well-informed, you ensure that the water you choose not only quenches your thirst but contributes positively to your health.

FAQs about Alkaline Water Filter

Do alkaline water filters really work?

Yes, alkaline water filters can raise the pH of your water. However, more research is needed on the claimed health benefits. These filters also offer purification from contaminants.

What is the downside of drinking alkaline water?

Some studies suggest excessive alkaline water consumption could disrupt your body’s natural pH balance. More research is necessary to confirm potential long-term downsides. If you have pre-existing health conditions or concerns, it’s best to consult with your doctor before starting any new water regimen.

What are the benefits of alkaline water filters?

The potential benefits of drinking alkaline water, like improving bone health or reducing acid reflux, require further research. However, alkaline water filters offer the benefit of cleaner water and potentially added minerals.

What is the difference between alkaline water and filtered water?

Filtered water is purified from impurities like chlorine or heavy metals. Alkaline water, either through mineral addition or electrolysis, raises the water’s pH above neutral, aiming for health benefits but also purifying the water.


UltraStream Benchtop – Hydrogen Rich Alkaline Water Filter

$689.00 inc. GST

Clean and pure Alkaline Hydrogen Water


UltraStream Benchtop – Hydrogen Rich Alkaline Water Filter | Elements4Life


Hydrogen water is simply pure water with extra Hydrogen molecules added to it.

• Hydrogen water in every glass

• Natural alkaline mineralised water

• Removes Chlorine, Fluoride, residual chemicals and much more

• Safe and great tasting water that your family will love and so simple to use


Benchtop Fluoride Pre-Filter with Casing

Pack Includes (everything required to hook up the UltraStream, HiGen 1+ or similar water filters)

• Fluoride Filter

• Housing

• 1/4″ fittings

• 1 Meter of 1/4″ tubing

*The media in this pre-filter is made from the same material as rubies and sapphires. This material will not harm those who will have thyroid issues.


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