Your Gut Health
Your body is home to approximately 100 trillion microbes, most of which live in the gut where they absorb nutrients, improve digestion, balance blood-sugar levels and regulate your immune system. These microorganisms outnumber all the other cells in your body three to one and are as personal and unique to you as your fingerprint.
We are only just beginning to realise the gut’s marvellous complexity and the way it not only governs the absorption of nutrients, but also regulates the immune system, influences brain function and affects our skin, muscles and joints. Everything from energy levels to mental health depends on those trillions of bacteria living in your digestive system.
If you’ve ever been through a ‘gut-wrenching’ experience, felt ‘butterflies’ in your stomach before speaking in public, or had a strong ‘gut feeling’ about something that turned out to be spot on, then you’ll know how intimately your gut and nervous system are connected.
Scientists now know that the resident army of bacteria in your gastrointestinal tract has a big influence on your brain, and emotions such as anger, sadness, stress and anxiety can all trigger unpleasant symptoms in the gut.
Interestingly, the opposite is also true. Studies show that altering gut bacteria with beneficial bugs and probiotics can lead to changes in brain function. Happiness, joy and falling in love also affect what’s going on in your large and small intestines and, while a variety of things can wreak havoc on your digestive system, it’s entirely possible to restore balance and improve mood, memory and more.
How can probiotics help?
These friendly living microorganisms called probiotics can be found in fermented foods such as yoghurt, kefir, kimchi, sauerkraut, tempeh, miso and kombucha. Research shows that probiotics help reduce symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, eczema, urinary and oral health.
Probiotics send chemical messages to the brain that can affect memory. One study found that volunteers who took probiotics for four weeks, followed by a placebo for four weeks, scored higher on memory tests and reported less stress and anxiety during the probiotic period than they did during the placebo period.
In addition to probiotics, we also need prebiotics – those non-digestible food fibres that help the good bacteria in your gut flourish. More and more research is pointing to the numerous benefits of eating prebiotic foods like bananas, soybeans, Jerusalem artichokes, whole oats, flaxseeds, tomatoes and green vegetables. Eating both probiotic and prebiotic foods is like laying a nutrient-rich fertiliser in your ‘gut garden’.
Meet the Phi’on Probiotic Range
All Phi’on probiotic and paleobiotic formulations contain a unique diversity of beneficial microbes, minerals, and phytonutrient extracts to support digestion, absorption, assimilation, and elimination – functions that are critical to cell regulation and healing.
Handmade with love at our property in Mongarlowe, NSW, Phi’on probiotics are fermented using structured MEA Water and are proven to be significantly higher in microbial activation than other leading brands.
Harmony Classic is our original fermented liquid probiotic and the most popular in our range.
Together with Synerge Life-affirming Paleobiotic Liquid they are ideal for the whole family to protect friendly microbes living in your gut while guarding against harmful bacteria and viruses.
How to use: Use 10ml Harmony for adults and 1-5ml for children daily. Take on an empty stomach before breakfast or bed. Slight detox symptoms may be experienced initially, so we recommend starting with half servings for the first 1-2 weeks.
Inspire Super Paleobiotic Liquid has a rich variety of beneficial microbes, phytonutrient extracts and minerals to support balance in the gut, immune and nervous systems.
How to use: Use 10ml Inspire daily for adults. Not recommended for children. Take on an empty stomach before breakfast or bed. Slight detox symptoms may be experienced initially, so we recommend starting with half servings for the first 1-2 weeks.
Made with delicious beetroot juice, UpBeet Microbial Nutrition Probiotic Liquid strengthens the immune and endocrine systems, reduces inflammation, improves skin health and may also help lower blood pressure and support liver function.
How to use: Use 10ml UpBeet for adults daily and 1-9ml for children. Take on an empty stomach before breakfast or bed. Slight detox symptoms may be experienced initially, so we recommend starting with half servings for the first 1-2 weeks.
Gut Health