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Why are Zeolites important?

Remember back in high school chemistry when you heated a rock until you saw steam rising from it? Well, those rocks were zeolites – porous solids with ordered, interconnected microporous channels that correspond to the size of many organic molecules. In fact, the word zeolite comes from the Greek meaning ‘boiling stone’ because they release water when heated.

Phi’on makes two products containing zeolites to support detoxification and bio-regulatory functions for humans and animals: our zeolite crème, Azeme, and Eternal, an activated zeolite with humic and fulvic acids.

Put simply, humans and animals need zeolites to reverse the damage caused by ingesting pollutants. Extensive research has found that the silica-rich natural minerals of zeolite can…

  1. Export (detoxify) pollutant ions, such as lead, and cadmium, and import essential minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium.
  2. Increase bioavailability of minerals, nutrients (vitamins, amino acids) and other bio-regulators.
  3. Reduce the effects of pathogenic microbes (viruses).
  4. Protect cells and regulate metabolism.
  5. Improve hydration and skin tone.
  6. Increase binding of proteins.
  7. Regulate acid-alkaline balance and reduce inflammation.
  8. Normalise salt metabolism.
  9. Improve regenerative functions of cells.
  10. Increase cell and tissue growth and repair (inhibit ageing).
  11. Improved rhythm timing, including stress reducing effects.

Please visit our Holistic Health Shop for all our products. Click the button and learn more.


Our Toxin Removal Support uses clinoptilolite zeolite to remove toxins like mercury and lead from your body at a cellular level to reveal your body’s full potential.



Cleanse Toxins from Body & Mind

Your air, water and food are saturated with toxins—that means your body and mind are too. Advanced TRS uses breakthrough nanotechnology at the cellular level to remove and cleanse toxins and heavy metals from your body. All this is performed at the cellular level.

With its proprietary clinoptilolite zeolite formula, Advanced TRS captures toxic heavy metals like mercury, arsenic, aluminum, lead, chemical toxins, radioactive toxins, and free radicals that impair your body and weigh down
your mind. With daily use, a few sprays each morning and evening will reveal your body’s full potential.

  • Naturally Remove Toxic Heavy Metals like Mercury, Lead, Aluminum & Arsenic
  • Support Healthy Levels of Vital Nutrients like Iron & Calcium
  • Balance pH Levels
  • Boost Immune System Function

Advanced TRS is designed to remove more toxins than any other zeolite solution. With an average zeolite pore size of 0.7 – 0.9 nanometers as verified by ultra-high resolution microscopy, there is an estimated surface area of 4.8 million sq ft per bottle that is capable of removing toxins.


Our proprietary formula is clinically proven to support cellular toxin removal.

Proprietary Lab-Made Clinoptilolite – 1.0mL per 5 sprays

Other Ingredients: Ultra-Pure Water.



Use daily.

Take 2 sprays in the morning and 3 sprays in the evening by mouth.


Coseva always recommends that the individual consult with their physician before beginning use of a supplement and to advise their physician of the use of any and all supplements.

AdvancedTRS is not medicine. Coseva does not engage in the diagnosis or treatment of diseases. Coseva cannot recommend specific uses for AdvancedTRS, other than in assisting the body in its normal healthy processes.

There is no documented reason to believe that AdvancedTRS will not be safe for use while pregnant, however, pregnancy is a vulnerable state and the decision to use supplements needs to be made by each individual in consultation with their physician. Breast milk is glandular excretion of fluid with high fat content and it is not likely that zeolite of any form will be able to be excreted in this manner. There is no reason to believe that AdvancedTRS will have an effect on breast milk.

While Advanced TRS is generally regarded as safe for use, a parent or guardian should consult with a pediatrician before administering to children under the age of three (3) years old.

As a rule of thumb, the usage rate is based on a person who weighs 150 pounds. Therefore, 150 pounds divided by 5 sprays is equal to 30 pounds per spray. For a child below 30 pounds, start with one spray and observe closely what happens.

KEEP bottles OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Do not use if tamper evident seal is broken. Store at controlled room temperature (59°-86° F). Avoid excessive heat and humidity.

Nanotechnology = Effectiveness

Being nano-sized, the individual particles in Advanced TRS are maximally efficient at absorbing toxins. Think of a bath sponge. When you put it in water, the water flows into to sponge from the outside in. Now imagine your bath being filled with millions of floating foosballs the size of the holes in your sponge.

The water will carry them in at the beginning, but pretty quickly, the holes in the sponge will be clogged up, leaving a large part of the center of the sponge, dry, and unused. That is what happens when large zeolite particles are used in detox products. This means more than half of the material cannot be used. While zeolite itself is non-toxic, common sense tells us we should take only what we can optimally use, and what is effective, to reach better health.

That is what happens with Advanced TRS, virtually no excess, with extraordinarily effective results. One serving will not do a complete detox. Over time, consistently taking this product will remove toxins safely, gently and without the typical effects of harsh medical chelation agents.

Please Note: We sell the glass bottle version – HERE!

OPPORTUNITY – Want to join my TRS Tribe and obtain better pricing for personal use and on-sell to others in your circle? SIGN UP HERE


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