


All our coaches are highly regarded Master Functional Trainers (MFT) and our aligned team of qualified nutrition, rehabilitation and recovery experts are at your service.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Head Coach.

Active life experienced coach and business owner with over 25+ years of high performance sports and movement coaching.
Specialises in full lifestyle adjustment and body composition change.
Stronger mindsets, better nutrition and empowered personal attitudes bring the best results.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Senior Coach.

Mum of 4 children who turned her life around after post natal depression and obesity.
Now influencing like minded people and empowering others to do the same.
High level dancing back ground has provided a great understanding of the body and movement mechanics.
Specialises in body composition, strength training, fat loss and healthy living.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Senior Coach

Over 6+ years of coaching experience with a passion for changing lives.

Specialises in resistance training, mobility, rehabilitation and recovery.
Great coach and a great guy.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Head Coach.

Active life experienced coach and business owner with over 25+ years of high performance sports and movement coaching.
Specialises in full lifestyle adjustment and body composition change.
Stronger mindsets, better nutrition and empowered personal attitudes bring the best results.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Senior Coach.

Mum of 4 children who turned her life around after post natal depression and obesity.
Now influencing like minded people and empowering others to do the same.
High level dancing back ground has provided a great understanding of the body and movement mechanics.
Specialises in body composition, strength training, fat loss and healthy living.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Senior Coach

Over 6+ years of coaching experience with a passion for changing lives.

Specialises in resistance training, mobility, rehabilitation and recovery.
Great coach and a great guy.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Senior Coach.

Mum of 4 children who turned her life around after post natal depression and obesity.
Now influencing like minded people and empowering others to do the same.
High level dancing back ground has provided a great understanding of the body and movement mechanics.
Specialises in body composition, strength training, fat loss and healthy living.

Master Functional Trainer (MFT) and E4L Senior Coach

Over 6+ years of coaching experience with a passion for changing lives.

Specialises in resistance training, mobility, rehabilitation and recovery.
Great coach and a great guy.


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1. Privacy Policy Detail

This is the privacy policy for Elements4Life (E4L) ABN 68 1195 2794 7, all its related companies and E4L Franchised Clubs (collectively, Elements4Life) relating to the privacy of your personal information 

(Privacy Policy).

E4L is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives.  E4L is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act).

This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with E4Lwhether at one of E4L’s clubs, E4L head office or via E4L website (www.elements4life.com.au).

This Privacy Policy seeks to explain:

The types of personal information E4L collects & holds;

How E4L collects and holds your personal information;

Why E4L collects, holds, uses and discloses your personal information;

How you may access and seek the correction of your personal information as held by E4L;

How you may complain about a breach of the APPs or a registered APP code (if any) that E4L are bound by, and how E4Lwill deal with such a complaint; and

If E4L is likely to disclose your personal information to overseas recipients and the countries in which such recipients are likely to be located (if it is practicable to specify those countries in this policy).

By using E4L website www.elements4life.com.au or completing any membership application forms, personal trainer forms, competition entry forms and filling any forms in the franchisee recruitment process, you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to E4L’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

2. Your Personal Information