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Self Healing: Allostasis & Homeostasis

Self Healing: Allostasis & Homeostasis

The body is a perfect healing machine. As long as the body is toxin and cellular disruption free, the body will experience optimised health. When toxins enter the body, the body will naturally move into states that promote expulsion and self healing to regulate, cleanse, seek health and return to balance. 

For example: Colds and flus are natural self regulation processes of the body. Many do not understand that a cold and flu is a naturally occurring event. All symptoms experienced are expulsions of these toxins, chemicals and unwanted genetic material. Mucus, sweat, heat, pimples, rash, vomit, feces, urine, energy, sounds, farting, skin exfoliation and more are all expulsion symptoms experienced by our self-regulating body. Only rogue bacteria and parasites can cause severe secondary conditions as well as dis-harmonious frequencies, EMF and radiation. Nutritional deficiencies and cellular deficiencies in trace minerals are also shown to be a root cause of disease along with toxicity.

To learn more about the amazing self healing power of the body look into exosomes and how their messenger RNA regulate the bodies systems. Exosomes are our best friends, not the enemy, and are produced by our cells and can enter and exit these cells as required. They are not viruses, they are the most important self healing and regulating genome of our biology.

Here’s how the primary components of homeostasis works:

Homeostasis refers to the ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal environment in the face of changing external conditions.

The primary components of homeostasis include:

  1. Sensors: These are specialised cells or organs that detect changes in the internal or external environment, such as changes in temperature, pH, or glucose levels in the blood.
  2. Control center: This is typically the brain or specific glands that receive information from the sensors and compare it to a set point or desired range for a particular variable. The control center then sends out signals to effectors to bring the variable back into the desired range.
  3. Effectors: These are muscles or glands that carry out the response instructed by the control center. Effectors include muscles that regulate blood vessel diameter, sweat glands that cool the body, or the pancreas that secretes insulin to regulate blood glucose levels.
  4. Negative feedback loop: This is the mechanism by which the control center adjusts the activity of effectors to bring a variable back to its set point. In negative feedback, a change in the variable being regulated triggers a response that opposes or reverses the change, effectively maintaining stability.

For example, when body temperature increases above the set point, sensors in the skin detect the change and send signals to the hypothalamus in the brain, which acts as the control center. The hypothalamus then sends signals to effectors, such as sweat glands and blood vessels in the skin, to increase sweating and vasodilation, respectively. These responses help to cool the body and bring the temperature back to the set point. When the body temperature falls below the set point, the opposite responses occur to warm the body back up. This negative feedback loop helps to maintain a stable body temperature despite changes in the external environment.

Here’s how the primary components of allostasis work:

Allostasis refers to the ability of an organism to maintain stability, or homeostasis, in response to changing environmental conditions.

The primary components of allostasis include:

  1. Sensory and neural systems: These systems continuously monitor the internal and external environment and transmit information to the brain and other parts of the body.
  2. Neuroendocrine systems: These systems release hormones that regulate physiological responses and help maintain stability.
  3. Autonomic nervous system: This system regulates the body’s internal environment by controlling the activity of organs such as the heart, lungs, and digestive system.
  4. Behavioral responses: These responses help to restore stability, such as seeking out food or water when hungry or thirsty, or seeking shelter when cold or wet.
  5. Stress responses: When faced with a challenging situation, the body activates the stress response, releasing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which help the body respond quickly and effectively.
  6. Learning and memory: Over time, the brain learns from experiences and adjusts the allostatic responses accordingly, allowing for improved stability and adaptation to future challenges.

These components work together to help the body maintain stability and respond to changing conditions, allowing for allostasis and survival in a constantly changing environment.

How toxicity causes colds and flus?

Toxicity can weaken the immune system, making it more difficult for the body to fight off infections like colds and the flu. Toxins can come from a variety of sources, including pollution in the air and water, chemicals in food and personal care products, and even stress.

When the immune system is weakened, it is less able to defend itself against imbalance. As a result, a person who has been exposed to toxins is more likely to get “sick”. Again toxicity is the major concern. 

It’s important to take steps to reduce exposure to toxins in order to support a healthy immune system and reduce the risk of getting sick. This can include eating a healthy diet, drinking plenty of pure ionised water, using natural personal care products, and managing stress through activities like exercise, meditation, and spending time with loved ones.

By taking care of the body and reducing exposure to toxins, a person can help support their immune system and reduce the risk of getting sick from colds and the flu (self regulation events).

What is an exosome?

Exosomes are small, membrane-bound vesicles that are released by cells and play a role in cellular communication and waste disposal. They are about 30-100 nanometers in size and contain a variety of components, including proteins, lipids, and genetic material (such as RNA and DNA).

Exosomes are formed inside cells and then released into the extracellular environment, where they can interact with other cells and transfer their contents. This allows cells to communicate with one another and to exchange information, such as signaling molecules, genetic material, and waste products.

Exosomes have been found to play important roles in various biological processes, including cell signaling, waste disposal, and the immune response. They are also being studied for their potential as diagnostic and therapeutic tools in medicine, as they can be used to deliver drugs and therapeutic agents to specific cells and tissues in the body.

Overall, exosomes are an important aspect of cellular communication and have the potential to play a significant role in many aspects of biology and medicine.

Do exosomes regulate colds and flu?

Exosomes may play a role in regulating the immune response to colds and the flu.

Exosomes can carry genetic material (such as RNA) and signaling molecules that can influence the behavior of cells in the body, including immune cells. They may help to coordinate the immune response to viral infections, including the production of antiviral proteins and the recruitment of immune cells to support fast recovery remembering that the body is attempting to heal itself.

In addition, exosomes can carry RNA or DNA from infected cells to other cells, leading to the spread of the self healing symptoms and the development of self healing regulation. This means that exosomes may be involved in the transmission and spread of self healing symptoms like the cold and flu. There is no third party external factor. The body is doing what it needs to do.

People who are vulnerable from old age, nutritional deficiencies and are in an acidic toxic state, can be subject to high risk of adverse reactions from these regulation events. Mother Nature will remove the biologically weak from the game of life if the body can’t sustain the healing response. This makes it important for everyone, no mater the age, to ensure they are healthy and strong, at a cellular level, via their water and food. Stress levels and bad frequencies also need to be monitored.

The body must remain toxin free to survive and find longevity.


  • Facilities:
  1. E4L Belconnen: 2 Ibbott Lane, Belconnen ACT 2617
  2. E4L Harrison: Unit 79/81 / 170 Flemington Rd, Harrison ACT 2914
  3. E4L Murrumbateman: 37 Rose St, Fairley Square, Murrumbateman NSW 2582
  • Tags: #Train4Life #Elements4Life


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TOXIN DETOX? – Read Heavy Metal Detoxification Article HERE.

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