Apollo Gold Bottle Top + 2 Glass Bottles

$495.00 inc. GST available on subscription

At home or on the go, turn ordinary tap water into life-affirming structured water, the way nature intended. The magnetic vortex device can also be used to restructure other liquids including wine, spirits, juice and milk. Included are two glass bottles with the ideal gradient to form a perfect vortex.

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Apollo Gold Bottle Top + 2 Glass Bottles

At home or on the go, turn ordinary tap water into life-affirming structured water, the way nature intended. The magnetic vortex device can also be used to restructure other liquids including wine, spirits, juice and milk. Included are two glass bottles with the ideal gradient to form a perfect vortex.

Potential Benefits:

  • Gives water a permanent negative (-mV) charge, like that found in pristine flowing rivers and streams.
  • Eliminates pathogenic microbes (like e. coli) and neutralises toxic compounds.
  • Minimises the growth of moulds and fungi.
  • Reduces the smell and taste of chlorine from urban water supplies.
  • Increases the intensity of wine flavour and aroma while reducing sharpness.
  • Prevents wine from oxidising.
  • Enhances the beneficial aspects of polyphenols in fruit juices.
  • Almost doubles the refrigerated storage time of raw milk.
  • Naturally pasteurises and homogenises raw milk by eliminating pathogenic microbes without losing essential enzymes.
  • Structured water tastes soft and balanced and improves the taste of tea, coffee and foods cooked with it.
  • People who drink structured water feel more energised and creative.
  • Improves the health of domestic animals and pets.
  • Activates the electrical capacity of beneficial microbes in soil.
  • The negative charge of MEA Water ® is not affected by freezing or heating.

Why gold?

Gold stimulates cellular activity and the body’s defences. It acts as an anti-toxin, helps heal wounds, and supports the cardiovascular system. Gold acts as an anti-carcinogen (especially when combined with selenium, platinum, copper and nickel), supports recovery from fever, rheumatoid inflammation and high blood pressure.

How to use it:

Decant 750ml of liquid into a 1L bottle. Attach Apollo device to filled bottle and gently tighten. Holding the filled bottle upright, screw an empty 1L bottle onto the other end of the Apollo device.

Reverse the bottles so the full bottle is at the top and grasping the bottom bottle tightly to keep stationary, vigorously swing the top (full) bottle three times in wide anti-clockwise circles. See a vortex form as the liquid in the top bottle swirls into the bottom bottle.

This process should be performed four times in total to enhance the effect.

For best results, allow the restructured water to stand (breathe) for at least 5 minutes to allow any gases to escape (wine will benefit from 15-60 minutes of breathing time).

Can also be used with regular 1L plastic soft drink bottles.