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Understanding that everything in the cosmos, including physical matter, emotions, thoughts, and consciousness, is made up of energy that is constantly vibrating at various frequencies includes viewing the world through energy, vibration, and frequency. According to this viewpoint, reality is made up of both physical and non-physical, vibrational patterns of energy that both support and mould our physical reality.

From this viewpoint, the quality and frequency of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs can directly impact our reality and the experiences we have in life. Higher frequency positive ideas, emotions, and beliefs are thought to attract more positive experiences, while lower frequency negative thoughts and emotions are thought to attract more bad experiences.

It is crucial to develop awareness of our ideas, feelings, and beliefs in order to see the world through energy, vibration, and frequency. We should also attempt to increase our vibration by concentrating on uplifting and uplifting thoughts and emotions. Affirmations, visualisation, affirmations, and other techniques for self-reflection and self-improvement can all be used to achieve this.

According to another school of thought, we can access the limitless wisdom, creativity, and power of the cosmos by bringing our energy and vibration into harmony with it. This will allow us to live happier, more prosperous lives. This can be accomplished through establishing a connection with nature, partaking in spiritual activities, and putting an emphasis on our inward spiritual growth and development.

In conclusion, looking at things from the perspective of energy, vibration, and frequency can be a useful tool for spiritual and personal development, and it should be used with an open mind. The best strategy is to use this perspective as one of many resources for self-reflection and self-improvement.


  • Facilities:
  1. E4L Belconnen: 2 Ibbott Lane, Belconnen ACT 2617
  2. E4L Harrison: Unit 79/81 / 170 Flemington Rd, Harrison ACT 2914
  3. E4L Murrumbateman: 37 Rose St, Fairley Square, Murrumbateman NSW 2582
  • Tags: #Train4Life #Elements4Life


Please email us for membership details or to organise a gym tour with a lifestyle and fitness coach – getstarted@elements4life.com.au

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  • healthy life 
  • healthy lifestyle
  • eating healthy plan
  • healthy meal plans
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  • workout plans
  • stay healthy
  • online workouts
  • online courses
  • become a personal trainer
  • the smoothie diet
  • the keto custom plan
  • self healing / exosomes


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(Privacy Policy).

E4L is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives.  E4L is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act).

This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with E4Lwhether at one of E4L’s clubs, E4L head office or via E4L website (www.elements4life.com.au).

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By using E4L website www.elements4life.com.au or completing any membership application forms, personal trainer forms, competition entry forms and filling any forms in the franchisee recruitment process, you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to E4L’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

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