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Supplementation and Detoxification for Optimal Health

In a world filled with toxins and health challenges, achieving optimal wellness requires an intentional approach to detoxification and supplementation. Whether you are new to the concept or have been maintaining a wellness routine for years, this ultimate guide will provide a comprehensive plan for achieving a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Here, we dive deep into key practices such as intermittent fasting, periodic parasite cleanses, and an extensive list of high-impact supplements that can help you thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
    • The Importance of Detoxification and Supplementation
    • How to Use This Guide for Optimal Health
  2. Intermittent Fasting: The Foundation of Detoxification
    • Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
    • Different Methods of Intermittent Fasting
    • How to Get Started with Intermittent Fasting
  3. Parasite Cleanse (Twice Per Year)
    • Why a Parasite Cleanse is Essential
    • Key Ingredients for Parasite Cleansing
    • Step-by-Step Guide to Doing a Parasite Cleanse
  4. Nano Zeolite: Cellular Detoxification
    • What is Nano Zeolite?
    • Benefits of Nano Zeolite for Detoxification
    • How to Use Nano Zeolite Safely
  5. Alkaline Water Systems (Negatively Charged and Hydrogen-Infused)
    • Alkaline vs. Regular Water: What’s the Difference?
    • Benefits of Hydrogen-Infused Alkaline Water
    • Tips for Installing an Alkaline Water System
  6. Magnesium (Greal)
    • Importance of Magnesium for Health
    • Benefits of Magnesium Glycinate (“Greal”)
    • Recommended Dosage and Usage
  7. Essential Minerals: Sea Moss or Fulvic Acid
    • Why Essential Minerals Are Crucial
    • Sea Moss vs. Fulvic Acid: Which Is Right for You?
    • How to Incorporate These Minerals into Your Routine
  8. Zinc (Greal)
    • Benefits of Zinc for Immunity and Skin Health
    • The Best Forms of Zinc Supplementation
    • How Much Zinc Should You Take?
  9. Potassium
    • The Role of Potassium in Electrolyte Balance
    • Natural Sources of Potassium
    • Supplementing Potassium Effectively
  10. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin
    • The Importance of Vitamin D for Immune and Bone Health
    • How to Get Adequate Vitamin D (Supplements vs. Sun Exposure)
    • Dosage Recommendations
  11. Vitamin C (From Fruit)
    • Vitamin C Benefits for Immunity and Skin
    • Best Fruits Rich in Vitamin C
    • Natural vs. Synthetic Vitamin C Supplements
  12. Vitamin B12 and B6
    • Benefits of Vitamin B12 and B6 for Energy and Nerve Health
    • Signs of Deficiency
    • How to Supplement Effectively
  13. Omega-3 Fatty Acids
    • The Importance of Omega-3s for Inflammation and Brain Health
    • Best Sources of Omega-3 (Fish Oil vs. Algae)
    • Dosage Recommendations
  14. NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)
    • What Is NMN and Its Role in Anti-Aging?
    • Benefits of NMN for Longevity
    • How to Incorporate NMN into Your Supplement Routine
  15. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)
    • NAC and Its Role in Glutathione Production
    • Benefits for Detoxification and Lung Health
    • Proper Dosage and Usage
  16. Glycine
    • The Benefits of Glycine for Sleep and Detoxification
    • How to Use Glycine for Better Rest and Relaxation
    • Daily Usage Guidelines
  17. Amino Acids
    • The Role of Amino Acids in Muscle Recovery
    • Essential vs. Non-Essential Amino Acids
    • Best Times to Supplement with Amino Acids
  18. Tongkat Ali
    • Benefits of Tongkat Ali for Hormone Balance
    • How to Supplement Safely
    • Dosage Recommendations
  19. Shilajit
    • What Is Shilajit and Its Benefits?
    • How Shilajit Enhances Energy and Cognitive Function
    • How to Use Shilajit
  20. Creatine
    • Benefits of Creatine for Muscle Strength and Performance
    • How to Use Creatine Effectively
    • Dosage and Best Practices
  21. Collagen Types I & III
    • The Role of Collagen in Skin and Joint Health
    • How to Supplement with Collagen Types I & III
    • Daily Dosage and Best Ways to Use Collagen
  22. Boron
    • Why Boron Is Important for Bone and Hormone Health
    • How to Supplement with Boron
    • Recommended Dosage and Usage
  23. Creating Your Supplementation and Detox Routine
    • Morning Supplement Routine
    • Evening Supplement Routine
    • Twice Yearly Parasite Cleanse Routine
  24. Tips for Optimising Your Detox and Supplement Plan
    • Tracking Your Progress with a Wellness Journal
    • Importance of Consistency and Listening to Your Body
    • Safety Tips and Considerations
  25. Conclusion
    • The Benefits of a Balanced Detox and Supplement Routine
    • Taking Action: Start Small, Stay Consistent


Supplementation and Detoxification for Optimal Health


1. Intermittent Fasting: The Foundation of Detoxification

Intermittent fasting (IF) is the cornerstone of effective detoxification. By cycling between periods of eating and fasting, your body has the opportunity to rest, digest, and initiate cellular repair processes. During the fasting window, your insulin levels drop, autophagy is stimulated (where your cells recycle and eliminate waste), and your body enters ketosis, enhancing fat burning and mental clarity.

How to Practice IF:

  • 16:8 Method: Fast for 16 hours and have an 8-hour eating window (e.g., eat between 12 PM and 8 PM).
  • 5:2 Method: Eat normally five days a week and consume reduced calories (500–600 calories) for the remaining two days.
  • 24-Hour Fast: Once or twice a week, fast for a full 24-hour period.

2. Parasite Cleanse (Twice Per Year)

Parasites can be a hidden source of fatigue, skin issues, and digestive disorders. Conducting a parasite cleanse twice a year is a proactive way to keep these unwanted guests in check.

What to Include in a Parasite Cleanse:

  • Black Walnut Hull: Known for its anti-parasitic properties.
  • Wormwood: Effective in eliminating various types of parasites.
  • Clove: Helps to kill parasite eggs, preventing re-infestation.
  • Diatomaceous Earth: Rich in silica, it helps eliminate parasites and detox the digestive tract.

3. Nano Zeolite: Cellular Detoxification

Nano zeolite is a powerful natural detoxifier that can help remove heavy metals and toxins at a cellular level. Nano-sized particles of zeolite act like magnets, capturing heavy metals such as lead, mercury, and aluminium and flushing them out through the urinary system.

Daily Usage: Follow product-specific guidelines, but typical usage is 3–5 drops in water or juice 1–2 times a day.

4. Alkaline Water Systems (Negatively Charged and Hydrogen-Infused)

Alkaline water helps to balance your body’s pH levels and improve overall hydration. Hydrogen-infused alkaline water has added benefits of acting as a powerful antioxidant, reducing inflammation, and boosting energy levels.

Consider Installing:

  • Countertop Alkaline Water Filter: For daily hydration.
  • Portable Hydrogen Water Generator: For on-the-go hydration and antioxidant support.


5. Magnesium (Greal)

Magnesium is a key mineral for muscle relaxation, sleep, and over 300 enzymatic functions in the body. “Magnesium Greal” (an optimal form of magnesium such as magnesium glycinate) is highly bioavailable and easily absorbed.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 300–400 mg before bedtime to promote relaxation and quality sleep.


6. Essential Minerals: Sea Moss or Fulvic Acid

Sea moss is rich in over 90 essential minerals that our body needs to function optimally. Alternatively, fulvic acid helps increase the absorption of these minerals.

How to Use:

  • Sea Moss Gel: Add 1–2 tablespoons to your smoothies or morning tea.
  • Fulvic Acid: Use as a liquid supplement, adding drops to your water.


7. Zinc (Greal)

Zinc is vital for immune support, hormone regulation, and cellular repair. Supplementing with a highly bioavailable form like “Greal” can help boost immunity, skin health, and overall wellbeing.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 10–30 mg per day.


8. Potassium

Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance, muscle function, and cardiovascular health. Ensuring optimal potassium intake is crucial for those who exercise regularly.

Sources: Avocados, bananas, leafy greens, or a potassium citrate supplement.

9. Vitamin D: The Sunshine Vitamin

Vitamin D is essential for immune function, bone health, and mental wellbeing. Supplementing is particularly important if you live in areas with limited sun exposure.

Dosage Recommendation: 2000–5000 IU per day, ideally taken with a meal that contains healthy fats.

10. Vitamin C (From Fruit)

Vitamin C supports immunity, collagen production, and acts as a powerful antioxidant. Obtaining Vitamin C from natural fruit sources (such as oranges, berries, kiwi) helps ensure better absorption.

Daily Recommendation: Aim for 500–1000 mg through fruits or a natural vitamin C supplement.

11. Vitamin B12 and B6

Vitamin B12 and B6 are crucial for energy metabolism, red blood cell production, and maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Dosage Recommendation: Vitamin B12 (1000 mcg per day) and Vitamin B6 (50 mg per day).

12. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for reducing inflammation, supporting cardiovascular health, and improving brain function. Look for high-quality fish oil or algae-based Omega-3 supplements.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 1000–2000 mg of combined EPA and DHA.

13. NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)

NMN is a precursor to NAD+, which plays a role in energy metabolism, DNA repair, and longevity. Supplementing NMN may support anti-aging and increased energy.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 250–500 mg per day, ideally taken in the morning.


14. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine)

NAC is a precursor to glutathione, one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants. It helps detoxify the liver, supports lung health, and promotes immune resilience.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 600–1200 mg per day.

15. Glycine

Glycine is an amino acid that helps with detoxification, sleep quality, and collagen production. It has calming properties and can improve sleep when taken before bed.

Daily Usage: Add 3–5 grams to your nightly tea or water.

16. Amino Acids

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, essential for muscle recovery, energy, and cellular repair. Supplementing with a complete amino acid complex ensures your body receives all essential amino acids.

When to Use: Post-workout or in between meals for muscle repair.

17. Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali is a powerful herbal adaptogen that helps balance testosterone levels, increase libido, and improve energy and performance, especially for men.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 200–400 mg.


18. Shilajit

Shilajit is a natural mineral resin with adaptogenic and rejuvenating properties. It contains fulvic acid, which helps enhance energy, cognition, and detoxification.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 300–500 mg.


19. Creatine

Creatine supports ATP production, providing energy for muscle contractions. It is beneficial for increasing muscle strength, improving exercise performance, and promoting lean muscle mass.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 3–5 grams, ideally taken post-workout.

20. Collagen Types I & III

Collagen is essential for joint health, skin elasticity, and overall tissue repair. Types I and III specifically help maintain skin, hair, and nail health.

How to Use: Add 10–15 grams of collagen powder to your morning coffee, tea, or smoothie.

21. Boron

Boron helps support bone density, hormone regulation, and enhances the absorption of magnesium and calcium. It also plays a role in increasing vitamin D levels.

Daily Dosage Recommendation: 3–6 mg.

How to Integrate Supplements into Your Routine

Morning Routine:

  1. Intermittent Fasting (until 12 PM)
  2. Alkaline Water with Nano Zeolite (start detoxification process)
  3. Vitamin D, NMN, and Omega-3 (with a small, healthy fat-rich snack)


  • Sea Moss or Fulvic Acid
  • Tongkat Ali and Shilajit

Lunch Time (First Meal):

  • Vitamin B12, B6, Zinc, and Potassium (ensure essential minerals)
  • Creatine (if you workout in the afternoon)


  • Amino Acids (for recovery and energy if needed)

Evening Routine:

  1. Magnesium (Greal) (1–2 hours before sleep)
  2. Glycine (to promote relaxation)
  3. Collagen Types I & III (for tissue repair)

Twice Per Year:

  • Parasite Cleanse (to eliminate hidden parasites and reset the gut)

Daily Essentials:

  • Drink plenty of alkaline hydrogen-infused water for hydration and detox.
  • Keep track of your supplementation with a wellness journal to note changes, improvements, and overall well-being.


Supplementation and Detoxification for Optimal Health

Daily Supplement Regimen Summary

The current daily supplement routine is well-structured to support overall health, with a focus on immune function, bone health, muscle development, and prostate health.

Here is a detailed list of supplements, their timing, and the intended benefits:

Supplement Routine Overview

  1. Morning Supplements:
    • Vitamin D3 (10,000 IU): Enhances immune function, supports bone health.
    • Vitamin K2 (200 mcg): Helps in calcium regulation, complementing Vitamin D3.
    • Boron (3 mg): Supports bone density and hormone balance.
    • Vitamin B12: Boosts energy, supports red blood cell formation.
    • NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide): Promotes cellular energy and longevity.
    • Collagen (10 g with coffee): Supports skin, joint, and connective tissue health.
    • Glycine (10 g): Enhances sleep quality, supports collagen production.
    • Green Tea: Rich in antioxidants, boosts metabolism.
    • Hydrogen Water: Antioxidant benefits, reduces inflammation.
    • Creatine (5 g) with Whey Protein Isolate (WPI): Improves muscle strength and performance.
    • Saw Palmetto (500 mg): Supports prostate health and helps reduce the conversion of testosterone to DHT.
    • Lycopene (50 mg): Supports prostate health, antioxidant properties.
  2. Evening Supplements:
    • Magnesium (5 mg): Helps relax muscles, supports better sleep.
  3. Intermittent Fasting:
    • 18-Hour Fast: Promotes metabolic health, supports cellular repair.
  4. Other Considerations:
    • Prostate Health: Saw palmetto and lycopene are included to manage prostate health, particularly after PSA levels were noted as elevated. Elevated testosterone levels may correlate with prostate concerns, so these supplements are used to address the balance between testosterone and DHT, reducing potential risks.

Key Insights

  • Prostate Health Support: Recent inclusion of saw palmetto and lycopene following elevated PSA levels helps mitigate risks by managing DHT levels, which is associated with negative prostate health.
  • Intermittent Fasting: The practice of fasting for 18 hours is aimed at optimizing metabolic health, promoting autophagy, and improving insulin sensitivity.
  • Supplement Timing: Vitamins and supplements like Vitamin D3, B12, NMN, and collagen are taken in the morning to boost energy, immune function, and overall health throughout the day. Magnesium is taken in the evening to promote relaxation and sleep.

Recommendations for Other Considerations and Potential Adjustments

  1. Ashwagandha (500 mg): Adaptogen for managing stress, which can also support testosterone production.
  2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids (EPA/DHA): Anti-inflammatory properties that support cardiovascular and joint health.
  3. Zinc (30 mg): Supports immune function, testosterone production, and assists in managing DHT levels.
  4. Curcumin (500 mg): Anti-inflammatory effects, may further support prostate health and reduce inflammation.
  5. Resveratrol (200 mg): Antioxidant that may support heart health and enhance the benefits of NMN for longevity.
  6. CoQ10 (100 mg): Supports cellular energy production, especially beneficial when taking NMN.

These additional supplements may help enhance the current regimen by addressing stress, inflammation, cardiovascular health, and further optimizing hormone balance.


Detoxification and supplementation are vital components of an optimized wellness routine. By combining intermittent fasting, regular cleanses, and targeted nutrient supplementation, you can improve your physical health, boost mental clarity, and enhance your overall quality of life. Integrating these strategies into your daily routine can be transformative—just remember that consistency is key, and individual needs may vary.

Start small, listen to your body, and build upon your supplementation and detoxification habits to craft a personalised health journey that works best for you.




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