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InBody Scanner Canberra: Revolutionise Your Fitness Plan

Looking to level up your fitness journey in Canberra? Feeling like you’re not seeing the results you’d hoped for, despite your best efforts at the gym? This can be a common struggle, but there’s a powerful tool available that can provide a body composition analysis: the InBody scanner in Canberra.

Now available at Elements4Life, this cutting-edge technology goes beyond the traditional scales, giving you a detailed look at your body composition and insights into how your body is changing as you progress on your fitness path.

At Elements4Life, we’re passionate about staying at the forefront of fitness innovation, and we’re confident that the InBody scanner will be a true game-changer for our members. But what exactly is an InBody scan, and how can it change your fitness game?

Table of Contents: InBody Scanner Canberra


InBody Scanner Canberra: Revolutionise Your Fitness Plan

Understanding the Power of the InBody Scanner Canberra

Stepping on the scale only gives you one number – your total weight. This doesn’t tell the full story. Your total weight can fluctuate based on hydration levels, food intake, and many other factors that have nothing to do with real fitness progress.

An InBody scanner, on the other hand, uses safe, non-invasive technology known as bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) to go much deeper, analyzing your body’s components. This InBody body scan reveals valuable metrics including your:

  • Body fat percentage.
  • Lean muscle mass.
  • Skeletal muscle mass.
  • Total body water.
  • And more.

Getting Specific: Segmental Analysis

One of the cool things about the InBody scanner is that it doesn’t just tell you how much muscle or fat you have overall. It also uses segmental analysis to show you exactly how much muscle and fat you have in each arm, leg, and even your trunk. This lets you pinpoint imbalances or weak areas, giving you more targeted training goals.

Say, for example, you find you have less muscle mass in your left leg than your right. That knowledge might lead you to adjust your leg workouts, ensuring balanced strength and avoiding future injuries.

It’s About Progress, Not Perfection: Tracking with the InBody Scanner

Many people find the number on the scale to be a major source of frustration. It doesn’t always reflect the hard work they’re putting in, and sometimes a few pounds gained can overshadow gains in muscle or loss of fat. Discouraging, right?

Here’s a key difference: the InBody scanner lets you focus on the metrics that truly matter: muscle gains, fat loss, and how those factors shift over time. Seeing real progress in these areas can be a major motivation boost. Instead of feeling defeated by a weight fluctuation, the InBody scanner can help you feel encouraged by measurable progress. Seeing the numbers change can be incredibly empowering.

An InBody scan is a great way discover a fitness plan that will enhance your training schedule and provide smart training experiences. By taking InBody scans, you can accurately measure your progress and make necessary adjustments to your workout method.

Personalisation at its Finest

At Elements4Life, we’re dedicated to offering fitness and nutrition strategies that are perfectly matched to your needs. No more generic routines – your InBody scanner results will provide our expert coaches with critical information, allowing them to create truly customised programs that target your specific goals. Whether you’re looking to boost muscle growth, slim down, improve overall fitness, or achieve a healthy body composition, we’ll leverage the insights from your scan to tailor a plan just for you. We are focused on getting you results, and that starts with understanding you.

Dispelling Myths About Body Fat

Many people solely rely on their body weight when gauging their fitness levels. But using just your body weight as a metric can be misleading. You need to also understand your body composition, which refers to the ratio of fat mass to lean mass (muscle, bone, and water) in your body.

This ratio reveals a lot more about your health and fitness levels than your weight alone. Why? Because two people can have the same weight but drastically different body compositions. For example, one person could be mostly muscle while another might carry more fat. Understanding this aspect is crucial, especially if you’re new to fitness and trying to navigate the path towards better health. At Elements4Life, we take a comprehensive approach to wellness, ensuring your individual needs are addressed. The InBody scanner helps us do exactly that.

Preparing for your InBody Scan

To get the most accurate InBody scanner results in Canberra, it’s good to follow some guidelines for what you should (and should not) do leading up to your scan. The results of your scan can be impacted by simple things like a meal, a cup of coffee, or your most recent workout, so keeping these in mind will give you a clear and reliable baseline to track your progress over time.

Here’s what you need to do (and not do):

What to do (and not do) before your InBody scan in Canberra Explanation
Do not eat for 3-4 hours before testing Digesting food can increase the amount of fluid in your body. That can temporarily impact the results.
Do not exercise for 6-12 hours before testing Physical activity elevates heart rate and body temperature. Those changes can lead to slightly less accurate readings, especially concerning water content and muscle mass.
No caffeine on the day of your test Caffeine, much like exercise, can alter your heart rate. This is why avoiding caffeine before your scan helps get consistent results.
Avoid lotion on hands and feet before testing Moisturiser, although awesome for healthy skin, can decrease skin conductance and interfere with the InBody scanner’s BIA sensors.
Do not shower or sauna immediately prior to your test A hot shower or sauna affects your body temperature. That’s a temporary change but waiting a bit helps stabilise your core temp and water balance.
Do drink plenty of water on the day of the test Being properly hydrated leads to better readings. Remember to stay well hydrated to keep those body fluids balanced.


It’s worth noting that certain factors may also influence your InBody scan, including age, gender, and even your ethnicity. InBody scanners have pre-programmed algorithms that take these factors into account, but it’s always a good idea to discuss any questions or concerns with your coach beforehand. We want to make sure you feel confident in the process.

You can trust the InBody scanner at Elements4Life for an incredibly accurate body composition analysis in Canberra. In fact, research shows it’s about 98% as accurate as a DEXA scan. Ready to experience the benefits of a more informed fitness approach in Canberra? Schedule your InBody scan now. Book your InBody Scan at Elements4Life and let us help you unleash your full potential.


InBody Scanner Canberra: Revolutionise Your Fitness Plan


At Elements4Life, we know you’re more than just a number on the scale. This is where the InBody scanner Canberra comes in. We believe you deserve insights into your body that are comprehensive and empower you on your path towards achieving your wellness goals.

Don’t let uncertainty hold you back. Get started with the InBody scanner Canberra, unlock your potential, and transform the way you approach fitness forever. If you have any questions, or would like to schedule your InBody scanner appointment, please contact us. We’re always here to help and support you.


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