
Elevate Your Fitness and Lifestyle with Elements4Life

Elevate Your Fitness And Lifestyle with Elements4Life | Elements4Life

Elevate Your Fitness and Lifestyle with Elements4Life Are you ready to revolutionise the way you approach fitness and lifestyle adaptation? As Albert Einstein once said, “We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” At Elements4Life, we take this mantra to heart, and we’re here to show you why we’re […]

Rise and Shine: Embrace the Morning Gym Routine!

Rise and Shine: Embrace the Morning Gym Routine | Elements4Life

Rise and Shine: Embrace the Morning Gym Routine! Ever found yourself in that all-too-familiar battle with your snooze button, followed by the dreaded guilt when you miss your workout? We’ve been there, too. However fear not, because there’s a game-changer waiting for you in the early hours – the morning gym routine. It feels so […]

Elevate Your Life with the Power of Mindset!

Elevate Your Life with the Power of Mindset | Elements4Life

  Elevate Your Life with the Power of Mindset   The mind serves as the director, the screenwriter, and the star actor in the big theater of life. It has the capacity to sculpt our perceptions, affect our choices, and in the end, determine our reality. The power of thought is like a treasure, magic, […]

“Unlocking Wellness: The Power of Exercise for Body, Mind, and Connections”

Unlocking Wellness: The Power of Exercise for Body, Mind, and Connections | Elements4Life

Build better body composition, stronger connections and a healthy mindset. Elements4Life has a strong focus on an overall outlook on fitness and lifestyle and with positive messaging we can encourage and harbour better personal choices and provide environments that support better outcomes. Engaging in regular physical activity and exercise offers a multitude of benefits, including […]

How to Build a Sustainable Fitness Routine That Works for You

How to Build a Sustainable Fitness Routine That Works for You Getting fit is a common goal for many people, but it can be difficult to know where to start or how to stick to a fitness routine. It can be overwhelming to choose from the many exercise options and diet plans out there, and […]

Unlocking the Power of Manifestation and Biorhythms to Create Wealth

Unlocking the Power of Manifestation and Biorhythms to Create Wealth The idea of a biorhythm holds that a person’s physical, emotional, and mental skills follow cyclical patterns that may be anticipated and charted. Biorhythms are cycles that have the potential to affect a person’s behaviour and general well-being, and they can be used to forecast […]

Benefits of a Smoothie!

Benefits of a Smoothie! A smoothie diet can be a healthy and convenient way to incorporate a variety of fruits and vegetables into your daily routine. Here are some potential benefits of incorporating smoothies into your diet: Increased nutrient intake: Smoothies are a great way to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables in one […]

The Professional Coach: What makes a great coach?

The Professional Coach: What makes a great coach? This is a question that I am often asked, and it is one that I love to answer. There are many qualities that go into making a great coach, but the three that I believe are most important are empathy, knowledge, and passion. 1. A great coach […]

What is the best anti-inflammatory solution or diet?

There are several anti-inflammatory solutions and diets that may be effective. Some common options include: The Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats like olive oil, and has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve overall health. The DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) which focuses on whole […]

Living Holistic Lifestyles

This article will outline numerous key points on how to live a holistic lifestyle. Following these tips can help you maximise your physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing so that you can enjoy a balanced and fulfilling life. Remember to take small steps and make gradual changes in order to create lasting effects. With patience and […]

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This is the privacy policy for Elements4Life (E4L) ABN 68 1195 2794 7, all its related companies and E4L Franchised Clubs (collectively, Elements4Life) relating to the privacy of your personal information 

(Privacy Policy).

E4L is committed to protecting the privacy of the personal information it collects and receives.  E4L is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (APP) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act).

This Privacy Policy applies to all your dealings with E4Lwhether at one of E4L’s clubs, E4L head office or via E4L website (www.elements4life.com.au).

This Privacy Policy seeks to explain:

The types of personal information E4L collects & holds;

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How you may access and seek the correction of your personal information as held by E4L;

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By using E4L website www.elements4life.com.au or completing any membership application forms, personal trainer forms, competition entry forms and filling any forms in the franchisee recruitment process, you accept this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to E4L’s collection, use and disclosure of your personal information in the manner described in this Privacy Policy.

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